Monday, November 12, 2007

my lordy loo!

it's been a month since i last updated and things are going swimmingly!

i've been going to class and enjoying my classes.

i left the flue open and now soot has blown all over the living room and all over my laptop. it has also blown all over some of my work for drawing and design, but it wipes off easily.

i miss you guys so much! my life is so cluttered and all over the place!

i can't wait to come home for christmas and thanksgiving.

anyway, this isn't such a detailed entry - more so a hurried one. i love you all and hope to see you soon!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you! Must hear about the Laura art works....See you soon!

Becky said...

Laura, please post your self portrait.

Love, Becky

Becky said...

tag you're it